Friday, September 17, 2010

Breaking The Fast (World Vision Report)

Producer/Reporter: Kira Neel

Length: 3:30


It’s a short segment describing the hours before and after Iftar during one of the days of Ramadan in Cairo, Egypt. However it mostly focuses on values, traditions and reasons for Muslims fasting during that month. The segment ends with Neel explaining the transformations the streets of Cairo undergo when they are lit with Ramadan lanterns, decorations and of course Cairo’s “bustling crowds”.

This segment would be ideal and quite interesting for an outsider who is curious to learn about Ramadan, which makes this segment very successful through my eyes.

Other than the fact that Neel is very well spoken in a calming and articulate voice she also uses other techniques to further strengthen her story by using strong Natural (nat) Sound throughout the whole audio clip. For example the segment starts with a prayer calling which she then begins to narrate about Iftar timing.

Although the segment passed the requirements for my assignment, as a person who knows a lot about Ramadan, the audio clip was shorter than expected and could’ve expanded in some areas.

Personally, I feel that Neel should’ve interviewed and added someone who she was talking about (i.e. a random person off the street she was describing) that could’ve added 1st person insight about the true nature of fasting and Ramadan.

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